Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And We're Off....

The first meeting of the SJMQG had 12 members in attendance!!  After introductions, there was a discussion of modern quilting.  You can learn everything you need to know here and here.  Candi brought some yummy modern fabric and a few modern quilts to show the group.

We're slowly getting up and running...we've set up a SJMQG Big Tent group to post events and general guild information.  Flickr, twitter, and facebook pages will follow shortly!  Guild Officers and dues have not been decided yet.  Dues will be discussed and collected when the guild sets up a bank account. 

The May meeting of the SJMQG will be on Tuesday May 22nd at 7pm at the William G. Rohrer Library in Westmont, NJ.  If you're interested in attending, RSVP to

At the May meeting we'll be doing a fat quarter swap.  Bring 4 fat quarters for a blind swap (put them in a bag or something to conceal them) - modern fabric & quilt shop quality please.  We'll also be having a group discussion on modern quilting books.  Bring your favorite to share with the group! 

Don't forget to bring something for show and tell.